A thank you to Reichert, Schrier for supporting causes

Great to see former Congressman Reichert honored for his hard and often bipartisan work (“Dave Reichert Day proclaimed in King County,” Auburn Reporter, March 20).

As a volunteer with RESULTS (results.org) working to end hunger and poverty in our country and the world, it was great to be able to count on the congressman to introduce bipartisan legislation to battle the unnecessary deaths of mothers and children in our world.

Grateful also for his continuing the tradition of bipartisan work in the 8th District, and it seems so far that his successor, Congresswoman Kim Schrier, will do the same. She recently signed bipartisan letters to committees responsible for funding this effort to end preventable deaths of mothers and children, and supporting the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief).

So thanks to Reichert and Schrier for continuing this important tradition of working together to make a difference.

– Willie Dickerson