Casting a dim shadow over Trump

Regarding the Nov. 30 “Brighter Side of Trump” letter: the policies of Trump and the Republicans have all been about short-term gratitude.

Most of the tax cut went to corporations, and such tax benefits as have gone to the middle class are scheduled to disappear within a decade. For $1.5 trillion added to the deficit, it’s like paying $100 for champagne and getting Andre.

His climate policies repeatedly ignore even his own administration’s analyses. If you recall the old oil filter “pay me a little now or pay him a lot later” commercials, this is an attitude of “we’ll pay him later – or rather, our children will.”

He is also wrong about Elena Kagan. Before becoming a Supreme Court justice, she was a law professor at the University of Chicago, described by Wikipedia as one of the more prestigious law schools in the world. If that makes her unqualified, then one can only imagine what that makes Trump, who had never been even so much as a mayor before becoming president.

With scandal dogging every facet of both Trump and seemingly everyone in his cabinet, to support Trump is to either have no ethical principles at all, or declare that yours is for sale. It requires, over and over and over again, a willingness to look the other way.

While the book is not closed on the Trump presidency, I predict that a generation from now it will be hard to find anyone who will admit to having been a Trump supporter.

– Robert Rosen