Get aboard the Trump Train

Regarding: "'Limited' Trump spells trouble" (letter to the editor, by Harold B. Valentine, Reporter, May 13):

Regarding: “‘Limited’ Trump spells trouble” (letter to the editor, by Harold B. Valentine, Reporter, May 13):

It kind of made me laugh because the “facts” that he pointed out were mirrored reflections of what the comical pundits repeatedly spew on FOX News and CNN.

Because, if those “facts” were true, how come Donald Trump has earned more GOP primary voters than any GOP candidates in history, even more than Ronald Reagan? The more those pundits mouthed their hatred for Trump, the more people came forward to vote for him. The silent majority of American voters, that is, like yours truly.

I agree with Mr. Trump on his stand on securing America’s southern border, when he said, “I will build a great, great wall … and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”

I agree with him when he said that the way to defeat ISIS is to “take their wealth … once you go over to take back the oil, they have nothing.” Then, “you bomb the hell out of them.”

I agree with him when he said that those Muslim refugees from Syria, must be thoroughly “vetted” first before they can be allowed to enter our country.

I believe him when he said, “I will be the greatest job president that God ever created. I’ll bring back our jobs from China, from Japan, from Mexico, from so many places. … I’ll bring back our money.”

I believe him when he said, “Obamacare is a total disaster. It kicks in in 2016 and it will be a disaster. People are closing shops. Doctors are quitting the business….”

I believe him when he said he’ll take care of us, military veterans. I agree with him when he said that our military needs to be build back up again to its former superior status.

I, and the silent majority of American voters believe him when he said that he will make America great again. At times, he may not be politically correct with of his verbiage. That’s because he tells it like it is. And that’s not a limitation. We, the people, the silent majority, that is, likes the way he says it.

This November, let’s help him win a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton. Get on the Trump Train.

– Jesse Jose