There’s no free lunch

I like driving on smooth roads with sufficient street lights, well kept parks, water and sewer, good schools, libraries, clean sidewalks and clean air. I enjoy these things and more.

I share the cost of these things that I like and enjoy in the form of taxes.

I am getting a little tired, though, of the complaints of those who want it all for little or no cost to them. Quite frankly, the loudest voices are usually those who are well able to afford it. Tolls, sales tax, income tax, user fees, etc. These are all names for “money out of someone’s pocket.”

If you like how your money is being spent, write or call your Congress person. If you don’t like how your money is being spent, write or call your Congress person. This also holds true for anyone who is spending your tax money, from the mayor all the way up to your U.S. Representatives in Washington, D.C.

If you like the way they are running things, vote. If you don’t like the way they are running things, vote. If you don’t vote, you have no gripes. The only things certain in this life are death and taxes.

– Robert Widener