Votes yes for schools

Superintendent Alan Spicciati tells us that the Auburn student population grew 1,074 in the last five years and is expected to grow by 1,670 students in the next five years.

Superintendent Alan Spicciati tells us that the Auburn student population grew 1,074 in the last five years and is expected to grow by 1,670 students in the next five years. This means that Auburn needs two new elementary schools.

The school district is now using 102 portables. An ad hoc committee of citizens has recommended the rebuilding of five elementary schools built between 1945 and 1965. A district maintenance worker adds that it is very expensive to keep these old buildings.

Also, Olympic Middle School, which opened in 1957 and where I began teaching in 1960, needs to be rebuilt.

These new buildings will cost me $337 a year in additional taxes. I think this is a great investment in the students of Auburn.

If not, I have a five-man Army tent that could accommodate an elementary reading group.

– Harold Valentine