County to evaluate alternatives for flood hazard management in Lower Green River corridor

The King County Flood Control District is preparing a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) to evaluate alternatives for the Lower Green River Corridor Flood Hazard Management Plan.

The plan will provide an integrated and reasonable long-term approach to reduce flood risk within the lower Green River corridor while balancing multiple objectives within the study area, according to the district. The integrated approach is intended to reduce flood risks while supporting the economic prosperity of the region and improving fish habitat.

According to the district, the plan will include actions to increase the level of protection from flooding, which would be accomplished by constructing new or improved flood protection facilities to meet engineering standards.

The district invites the public to a scoping meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 9, from 5 to 8 p.m., at the Green River College Kent campus, 417 Ramsay Way, Room 283. The meeting will include a presentation at 5:45 p.m.

A Spanish interpreter will be available at the meeting. For those requesting an interpreter in another language, please call 206-775-8778.

Agencies, affected tribes and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the PEIS. For purposes of programmatic environmental review, two programmatic alternatives and one no action alternative will be analyzed. Information on the three alternatives is available at, along with additional scoping meeting materials and instructions about how to comment. Scoping comments can be submitted until 5 p.m. Jan. 29.