Seven thousand, two hundred and thirty — that’s how many total UFO sightings (or, what’s now being called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) — in Washington state, according to NASA.
Councilmember Reagan Dunn and more than a dozen business owners argued tips and health care expenses should be a part of the new wage. The council passed the ordinance without the amendment.
The District 31 senator wants to test Washington’s voting registration system for weaknesses.
Leann Krainick, a local dairy farmer, recently voiced support for the District 8 Congresswoman’s bill.
Be on the lookout for reservation releases this spring for trips in May through September.
County has been working at helping more “first generation” farmers get started, especially immigrants and people of color.
Librarians are always reading — here’s their top picks for this year.
King County does not recommend utilizing third-parties when it comes to ballots and elections.
Dunn says there is little risk to his status as a popular moderate conservative in deep-blue King County, but partnering with the Florida governor means compromising on LGBGTQ rights, abortion access, and public health.
It’s highly unusual for wolverines to have back-to-back litters like Joni does, which means Mount Rainier is a great habitat
You can borrow a free Discover Pass, educational materials about state parks, and a pair of binoculars with your KCLS library card
The conference, organized by King County Councilman Reagan Dunn, will be held May 11.
It’s a planned repair of the extension joint, which necessitates a full closure.
The money will be split between expanding the office’s Crisis Response Team and deploying body cameras.
Voters decide on conservation levy and changing election years.
The newly-renamed Kiya Lake means “Grandmother” in the language of the Puyallup Tribe.
One will switch some odd-year elections to even years; another is a conservation levy lid lift.
The Lenihan’s home needed far more repair work done than they originally supposed — or could afford.
Meet who is likely to be your new (and returning) legislative representatives.
Cascadia Paranormal Investigations is a new research group.
Washington voters will decide fate of controversial bill in the Nov. 3 general election.
This is part three of a debate between incumbent Drew Stokesbary and challenger Katie Young.