Vote yes for King County Proposition 1

As an avid bicyclist and hiker, I find it more and more difficult to find safe and uncrowded places to recreate. As an avid birder and wildlife photographer, I fear for the impacts of climate change on our personal lives and the survival of numerous species. Our increasing population, with increasing traffic and decreasing open space, is a major threat to many of our reasons for living in this area.

The National Wildlife Federation states that “habitat loss – due to destruction, fragmentation, or degradation of habitat – is the primary threat to the survival of wildlife in the United States.”

National Audubon’s climate report states that “shrinking and shifting ranges could imperil nearly half of U.S. birds within this century.”

Supporting Proposition 1 is probably the easiest and most economical way you can make a difference in protecting the future of King County.

– Dan Streiffert, conservation chair, Rainier Audubon Society