Why not investigate Joe Fain rape accusation?

The last two Auburn Reporters reported about the investigation into the rape accusation against Sen. Joe Fain.

At first, the state said they would investigate and then they said they would not. I wondered why they would not. Wouldn’t Candice Faber want her rapist to be punished? Wouldn’t Joe Fain want his name cleared? Wouldn’t it be the states responsibility to get to the truth?

As I read the story “Probe into rape allegation against Fain to proceed” in the Nov. 23 Reporter, it brought up quite a few questions. It mentions that the accuser isn’t going to pursue her legal options. If that is the case then why bother to mention the rape allegation?

As I filled out my ballot this year I debated, as most probably did, about whether I should vote for Joe Fain or not. After all, I wouldn’t want a rapist representing me.

So here is a far out theory, and it is just a theory, this rape accusation was reported because the accuser wanted a Democrat to win, and one way to get people to not vote for Joe Fain is to tarnish his name by accusing him of rape.

As I said, it is just a theory, but it makes me wonder if the outcome of the race would have been different had nothing bad been said about any of the candidates.

If the state does not get to the truth of this matter then I would have to believe that other candidates in future races could get someone, anyone to accuse their opponent of doing something bad or illegal just to tarnish their opponent’s name and make us voters decide who we should believe.

– Ron McCabe