Early learners

School district’s fair engages pre-kindergarten children, connects families to community resources | PHOTOS

The Auburn School District presented its 13th annual Early Learning Fair on Monday at Auburn High School Commons.

The free event offered family-fun learning activities for pre-kindergarten children and provided families with the opportunity to connect with community resources.

There were prize drawings, entertainment from Eric Ode and a free dinner.

Nicole King, from Children’s Therapy Center, watches as Robby Bruhahn, 3, uses pound markers during the Early Learning Fair. RACHEL CIAMPI, Auburn Reporter

Nicole King, from Children’s Therapy Center, watches as Robby Bruhahn, 3, uses pound markers during the Early Learning Fair. RACHEL CIAMPI, Auburn Reporter

Eric Ode performs on stage at the Early Learning Center at the Auburn High School Commons. RACHEL CIAMPI, Auburn Reporter

Eric Ode performs on stage at the Early Learning Center at the Auburn High School Commons. RACHEL CIAMPI, Auburn Reporter