Other weapons, woes confront us

As the most restrictive gun law in the nation goes in to effect this month, it is but a minor inconvenience to the law-abiding citizens of Washington state, a sanctuary for criminal activities with Seattle leading the way.

Seattle and most of King County’s willingness to sacrifice small business to the criminal community will eventually lead to economic chaos. Retail sales tax is the primary revenue source with small business providing half of our jobs. Unabated shoplifting and robbery – in addition to online competition with customer’s unwillingness to endure slow, congested commuting while risking their personal safety – is taking its toll.

Previous gun laws have already restricted access to many offenders. In 2018, London, about the same size as New York City, with literally no access to firearms, reported more stabbings than NYC’s total number of shootings. London’s response has been a Turn in Your Knife, Save a Life campaign. The locked depositories throughout the city are a significant supply source for the criminal element.

Here at home, local news is reporting more assaults with ball bats, screwdrivers, hit-and-runs that are obviously intentional assaults and more stabbings including some fatalities. Could the courts please take some of our violent, repeat offenders out of circulation before they cause more fatalities?

What is the next move Washington? More gun control? Expecting a different result next time? Please remember what the War on Drugs has done for the cartels and the drug crisis. Will it ever be possible for critical thinking to gain a foothold here?

– Bob Zimmerman