It has been one of the chief frustrations of my daily battle with the awful side effects of chemotherapy.
Now I’m starting to do all the healthful things I should have been doing all along. It won’t happen in a day, but I am on the road.
The first words she ever said to me came from a famous passage of wits between Katherine and Petruchio.
We’re beating each other over the heads with “alternate facts.” It’s the tolling of our death knell as a nation.
“I once heard an anecdote about a writer who’d spent a week in his apartment working on his novel, without…
Call it the sweetness of life.
Dad never finished the bomb shelter.
It was 3 p.m. on a recent Friday, and there I was, at my computer, desperate to dig up information…
If you try to reason with people like that, that the conspiracy they are going on about isn’t real, you become part of the conspiracy and are trying to hoodwink them.
As humorist and social critic H.L. Mencken wrote, “A man who can laugh, if only at himself, is never really miserable.”
It will be about what does not perish when we do.
In my first column for this newspaper three years ago, I wrote about one of my historical fascinations.
On Memorial Day, we traditionally honor Americans in our military who gave their lives in battle for our country. It…
As readers of this column may know, I have terminal cancer.
I had contrived to reach 62 years of age without the big event.
Ah, the Golden Rule.
After more than 56 years, I can still smell and taste the rubbery things.
I admire these guys for very different reasons.
I’ve heard people say that human beings are the only creatures that know they will die.
It seems I got to be a geezer awful fast.