Auburn Community Players offers auditions for ‘Hairspray The Musical’

The Auburn Community Players has scheduled auditions March 26 and 27 for “Hairspray The Musical.”

Auditions are from 6 to 9:30 p.m. or until finished on both days at the Auburn Avenue Theater, 10 Auburn Ave.

Callbacks are March 29, from 7 to 10 p.m., also at the theater.

Please arrive early to fill out an audition form and get your picture taken. Performers are 14 and older.

As a note, the role of Tracy Turnblad has already been cast.

Performance dates are 7 p.m. June 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17 and 2 p.m. June 4, 11, 18.

Those wishing to audition, please call Jim Kleinbeck at 253-804-5057 or email at to schedule an audition time. Please bring a resume, list of conflicts, and prepare a song in the style of the show (no more than 32 bars). No headshot required as photos will be taken at sign-in.

“Hairspray The Musical”

It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size teen, Tracy, has only one desire – to dance on the popular “Corny Collins Show.” When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star. She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob Link Larkin and integrate a TV network … all without denting her ‘do.

To learn more about the cast and its program, visit Auburn Community Players on Facebook.