Poetry corner | Gerald A. McBreen

Border Crashing

Canadian geese fly freely across the border.

No fence high enough to keep them out.

They eat our grass, invade our lakes, leave

droplets all over our parks and oh, the honking

polluting our ears as they fly by, taking no

responsibility to clean up after themselves.

They are illegal immigrants. What makes them

acceptable, to some, is that they are escaping

a hostile environment. Freezing Canadian winters.

On this side the U S is faced with two evils. The

parents who deliberately put their fledglings in

harms way or the government’s shameful efforts

to separate tiny honkers from the flock.

The solution is in global warming. Soon Canada

will be the vacation spot for a golden tan and their

geese will be to comfortable to leave home.

– Gerald A. McBreen, City of Pacific poet laureate