“Learn a new language and get a new soul.”
Speech was held Feb. 29 in the Events Center at the Muckleshoot Casino.
Discussion surfaces on city’s agreement with the King County District Court.
I have said and done many things of which I am not proud. That is, I am no golden bird cheeping about human frailties from some high branch of superhuman understanding.
Auburn City Code already establishes rules and restrictions related to loitering on publicly-owned property or related to uses and activities within city owned parks.
That’s what happens whenever I hear the opening notes of Bruce Springsteen’s wonderful “My Hometown.”
These were the results as of 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Of course there’s irony here in that LinkedIn is asking writers — who, after all, make their living by writing — to help “educate” a technology that would automate their jobs.
There were 10 Miss Auburn and 11 Miss Auburn Teen contestants who competed in each phase of competition.
A simple majority of 50 percent plus 1 vote is required to pass a levy, and the superintendent is optimistic.
Auburn hopes to widen Auburn Way South from Hemlock Street to Poplar Street Southeast.
Don’s Place serves people experiencing homelessness, with a focus on veterans and seniors.
I have always considered it a strength, not a weakness, to consult with people with whom we vehemently disagree.
Auburn author talks about her experiences and recovery.
It may be hard to believe looking up and around today, but the Muckleshoot Casino started out in a tent…
I can’t shake the conviction that a sense of perpetual aggrievement is one of the key components of the engine driving our national estrangement.
This will be a busy year for street repair and construction in Auburn.
I was curious. I had to know what was true. So I set out to educate myself.
The tribe invites the general public to attend the grand opening celebration of the Muckleshoot Casino Resort starting Friday, Jan. 26, and continuing through the weekend.
On Jan. 2, the Auburn City Council accepted $782,477 in grant funding from the Washington State Department of Transportation to…