By no means a smear campaign

In response to other letters to the editor claiming that Jason Ritchie is running a smear campaign, he isn't.

In response to other letters to the editor claiming that Jason Ritchie is running a smear campaign, he isn’t. All he has done is state that Dave Reichert has not voted in the interests of his constituents.

Reichert voted for the government shut down that cost the tax payers $24 billion. He has voted against equal pay for women and is also anti-choice. Reichert has a history of towing the party line, even if it is in complete opposition to the desires of voters in his district. Moreover, he refuses to step out of the shadows and debate his opponent.

Ritchie wants to represent the people of this congressional district, not whoever gives him the most money. If running on the issues is a smear campaign, then politics has changed for the worse.

– Alexandra Ring