Cartoon is disrespectful, off the mark

Your Feb. 17 "political" cartoon was patently offensive to any person with deeply-held religious objections to the same-sex marriage bill.

Your Feb. 17 “political” cartoon was patently offensive to any person with deeply-held religious objections to the same-sex marriage bill.

Suggesting that signature gatherers for a referendum to put this decision to a vote would follow the money, rather than their conscience, is as deplorable as suggesting our legislators didn’t vote their beliefs but were bought off by powerful lobbyists.

This is still somewhat America where differing opinions are allowed. I respect that my representatives voted what they believed best, even if it didn’t represent my view.

As an opponent to this bill, I ask only the same respect for myself and other unpaid signature gatherers who are doing what they believe best – putting a decision this divisive before the people.

– Karen Shepherd