City needs to do something about rundown buildings

What is going on with the very rundown modular buildings that have become a real eyesore?

What is going on with the very rundown modular buildings that have become a real eyesore?

These buildings sit behind the church at the entrance to Lakeland Hills.

They have been sitting there and not moved nor has anything been done with them for the past five years. The tarps have blown off the roofs, and berry bushes are growing up the side of a couple of them.

If the church is not going to do anything with them, maybe it needs to donate them to someone who can use them and get a tax write-off.

They look terrible, and it is not very attractive to have to see these rundown buildings every time you drive up Lakeland Hills Way.

Can the City of Auburn ask the church to do something with them or get rid of them?

A concerned Lakeland Hills homeowner.

– Carolyn Walker