Hader is the choice for Congress

I spent this past Fourth of July in my usual way: registering voters in Les Gove Park at Auburn’s annual summertime festival.

It was my pleasure this year to stand alongside Auburn High graduate Dr. Shannon Hader, who is running for Congress here in the 8th District of Washington state.

Voters in this year’s important primary election will be faced with a lengthy list of candidates for the 8th Congressional District Representative, but Hader’s resumé puts her ahead of the competition. Tasked with protecting public health, Shannon efficiently and effectively led a large government agency, making her easily the most qualified candidate in the race. Her deep knowledge of a wide range of issues is impressive, but her ability to connect with regular folks and her genuine concern for their well being is what has earned her enthusiastic support from people of varied backgrounds and political leanings on both sides of the mountains.

As I register folks to vote, I talk to them about the importance of their voice and their vote in our fraught political times. It has never been more apparent than today that elections have consequences, and that every vote does indeed count.

Ballots for the Aug. 7 primary will be in the mail shortly, and I hope you will exercise your right to vote now and again in the November mid-term elections. Join me in voting for Shannon Hader, who will put the well-being of her constituents first, and who won’t be a tool for the harmful agenda of special interests.

– Brian Gunn