Lewis demonstrates personal commitment to the city

I am a 40-year resident of the city of Auburn, and my experiences raising my family in Auburn has been a life journey of great satisfaction and pride in my community.

I believe citizens need to give back to the community whenever they can. So volunteering to support and lead community activities, charities and events is my criterion for good citizenship and leadership.

As I have participated with the city of Auburn on events like the Veterans Day Parade, food bank drives and support annual city beautification projects, cultural events, parks and recreation events, I have met and got to know someone who holds those same community values and personal commitments. That person is the Mayor of Auburn, Pete Lewis.

Pete is always there dedicating his time and leadership to make Auburn a better place for people. Pete Lewis is a leader who gets the people of Auburn to work together by leading and being visibly active in our Auburn community.

I have gotten to know Pete Lewis because he is always there doing what I am doing and participating along with me in trying to make Auburn a better place for everyone to live.

I am very proud to say I am a citizen of Auburn and committed to supporting Pete Lewis in his campaign for re-election. Please join me in voting for Pete Lewis for Mayor of Auburn in Tuesday’s primary and Nov. 3 general election.

– Ronnie Beyersdorf


On Aug. 5, I was present at the Auburn Rotary weekly luncheon. The program this week was a forum of the four mayoral candidates. Each candidate was given five minutes to address the audience with their reason for running for mayor. I am sure each one felt their reason legitimate. Following that, the audience was allowed to ask four questions and each candidate was given a chance to respond. It is difficult, if not impossible, to disprove the negative allegations made by the other three candidates in this forum, while the positive results under Mayor Lewis’s leadership in our community are so apparent.

After listening to the four candidates it is very obvious that Mayor Pete Lewis is the only one qualified and prepared to continue the progress that has begun in Auburn.

– Joyce Peloza


Pete Lewis came into office as Mayor of Auburn with a dream and a vision to move the city forward into exciting new dimensions.

It has included plans for a new community center and a complete redo of the downtown area to attract new businesses. Pete has established an open door

policy at the Mayors office, group meetings in neighborhoods to discuss security and safety for all residents and weekly e-mails to keep everyone posted on all

meeting and events. With a highly respected staff at the city, we can be assured of continuted growth with Pete Lewis at the helm.

Please vote in the primary Tuesday.

– Dolores Kyle