Money not well spent on golf course

I, too, agree with Jeanne Herold's letter ("Wasting money on the golf course", Auburn Reporter, May 10).

I, too, agree with Jeanne Herold’s letter (“Wasting money on the golf course”, Auburn Reporter, May 10).

Jan McDowell’s sarcastic letter (“Golf course needs our support, appreciation”, Auburn Reporter, May 24) is an example of the misguided idea that golf is a priority in this economy.

If McDowell has a copy of the April 26 Auburn Reporter, Robert Whale’s article on the front page clearly stated, “The Auburn Golf Course Clubhouse will get a $35,000 upgrade to its audio-visual systems.” The article stated that Councilmember John Holman asked “that all costs associated with golf-course A-V equipment be referred back to council prior to expenditure.”

Councilmember Bill Peloza, who apparently has some vested interest in this ongoing expenditure of taxpayer money on this mediocre golf course, led the opposition, and Councilmember John Holman was voted down.

The article also stated that the $35,000 included an upgrade to systems in the Auburn City Council chambers, the major’s office, the council rooms and common areas, but does not explain what money is going where.

If Robert Whale has the facts straight, Jan McDowell owes Jeanne Herold an apology. McDowell best get the facts straight before accusing Jeanne Herold of “ranting about a golf course” and “I think her estimate of $35,000 for audio-video equipment was grossly exaggerated.” It was not her estimate. It is clearly stated in the article.

The point is that $35,000 is ridiculous and should have been referred back to council prior to expenditure and voted down. It is a stupid expenditure of money.

It may be “a joy to play golf at this course,” McDowell, just find a way for this pet project of the City of Auburn to become self-supporting.

I question how many residents of Auburn play golf on this course? This dream of continually dumping taxpayer money to upgrade this course to a professional level to attract a “lucrative tournament market” is just that, a dream.

Reading the rant from Mr. Peloza, fearing a delay “just because somebody wants to review $35,000,” leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth about how he views our taxpayer money and about the decisions he is making as a councilmember.

Do Mr. Peloza and the council have the ability to understand how our taxpayer money should be spent? Does spending $35,000 on a golf course continually in the red bring into question the priorities of the council? Maybe McDowell should refer to these decisions as “stupid.”

McDowell explains to readers that spending $35,000 to “be hooked up to an already existing computer system, in no way, would even come close to such a stupid quote.” Then please enlighten us about the $35,000 expenditure of our money to do just that.

– Pat Horn