Plan needed for the homeless caught in the cold

I'd like to make everyone aware that the City of Auburn doesn't have a plan in place for homeless people when the temperatures are low.

I’d like to make everyone aware that the City of Auburn doesn’t have a plan in place for homeless people when the temperatures are low.

The cold temperatures can be deadly. This is something everyone should be concerned about because this could happen to anyone.

My mom helped a homeless person by buying her a meal and a winter coat during our freeze. She asked her if she was going to a shelter and soon contacted the police. The only shelter or “warming center” opens at 11 o’clock at night. The nearest homeless shelter from Auburn is 8.8 miles away in Federal Way. That is disgraceful.

I’m only 12 years old, and I know that this is a life-or-death situation. Hopefully, the people who run Auburn will step up and fix this issue and put a plan in place for when the temperatures become this hazardous.

We take for granted what we have and don’t notice the less fortunate. We all need to open our hearts and do what’s right. Not just this time of the year, but all the time.

– Alex Gasperi