In reference to a letter written by Dennis Doucette (“More taxes for a ‘playhouse?'”, Auburn Reporter, March 28):
Conservative or liberal-speak or not, I wholeheartedly agree with him. A community center and other “playhouses” are not what our town of Auburn need right now. What our town leaders should focus on are the gutted roads that need fixing and the many eyesores of our town that need eliminating.
In other words, cleaning up and beautifying our little town should be the No. 1 agenda, then in due time when the money becomes available, let’s go ahead and think about building those “playhouses” that Mr. Doucette mentioned.
Another thing that I would like to say as part of cleaning up, and for safety reasons, is the immediate removal of snow on our hilly streets. A few months ago, when we had that snowstorm, the hilly roads – and main roads at that – all became impassable, dangerous streets.
Here, in our neighborhood, Lakeland Hills Boulevard, which is the main thoroughfare of our community and for other communities nearby, became so impassable and hazardous that many cars were stuck in the snow for a couple of days. I even saw an Auburn police car stuck in the middle of the road, with no one inside it.
The scene was a complete fiasco.
Can the City Council of our town and our newly-elected mayor, Ms. Nancy Backus, do something about this? Perhaps fielding snow ploughs immediately when hilly roads become impassable and hazardous for us, taxpayers, trying to get home safely from work? Thank you.
– Jesse Jose