Shame on us for bringing aboard Trump

I am 90 years old. I have voted in every presidential election since the Eisenhower era. I have read about every president we have elected. I shared a meal with President Ford.

In 2016 we elected the most incompetent president we have had in our lifetime.

President Trump did not know that the origin of the yearly budget is the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi can tell him this.

He did not know that it is not good manners to boss and dance around candidates competing for the presidency. Yet he did it.

He does not know that as president he gains little by baiting the press. One may bait the press, but the press will get to the truth about what is going on. He does not know that free speech is a basic tenant of our Constitution.

Shame on us. Only 60 percent of us voted in the past presidential election, and so we ended up with an ignorant president. He even said he would be the greatest president ever. Better than Lincoln.

He knows only how to build golf courses and hotels. And since he does not disclose his income tax, we don’t know if he has lots of money or owes a lot of money. Shame on us.

– Harold Valentine