Tent city is not a solution

Although I don’t have an answer for housing the homeless, I do not believe a tent city is the way to go.

Although I don’t have an answer for housing the homeless, I do not believe a tent city is the way to go. Seems to me it would be inviting additional homeless individuals to move to Auburn, thereby requiring additional resources.

What would be done with those with a drinking problem or mental issues? Sounds like they would not be allowed because they often do cause problems, so here we are with the situation on where do they live.

Although there are a few who are willing to get a job, there are those who are able bodied but have said, “Why should I work? There are places here to eat every day. I get free medical, dental and clothing. Don’t pay taxes, etc?”

I would like to see a place where the homeless could “hang out” besides the library and have a place to stay during the bad weather months. I just don’t believe it’s a tent city.

– Rebecca Prenovost