Auburn City Hall Gallery to feature Seattle artists Wednesday night

Auburn City Hall Gallery presents the works of Seattle artists Joey Katzer and Betty Hageman, from now until Aug. 1. Meet the artists Wednesday at a reception from 5:30 to 7 p.m., in City Hall, 25 W. Main St.

Auburn City Hall Gallery presents the works of Seattle artists Joey Katzer and Betty Hageman, from now until Aug. 1. Meet the artists Wednesday at a reception from 5:30 to 7 p.m., in City Hall, 25 W. Main St. The gallery is open during the week at regular business hours. With her intaglio prints, Katzer inquires into the nature of truth, irony, cliché and humor while investigating social inadequacies. Hagerman, meanwhile, inquires into the nature of nature itself. She examines mircrobial organisms, underwater sea life and other life forms in her complex acrylics paintings.