Fairly Spiritual: A community of great pastors

I want to take a few moments to tell you about some of the wonderful pastors in our community.

I want to take a few moments to tell you about some of the wonderful pastors in our community.

It is my sincere joy, privilege and honor to pastor Evergreen Foursquare Church alongside my co-pastor and dear friend, Dan Behrens.

Pastor Behrens is one of the most caring and genuine people I know. He is a man of sincere faith, humble grace and a tireless work ethic. Words cannot truly express how thankful I am that God has given me the honor of co-laboring with Pastor Behrens.

Matt Krachunis is the senior pastor at Faith and Victory Church in Auburn. Pastor Krachunis genuinely loves people. He passionately cares about the well being and spiritual condition of others. He is an encourager and an admonisher.

Matt is not only a defender of the faith, but a defender of pastors. Many, many times I have been blessed by Matt’s words of encouragement. He is a warrior with a heart of gold, passionate to live the gospel. It is an honor to call him my friend.

Pastor Pat O’Leary is the Senior Pastor of Lifegate Auburn Foursquare Church. For most of my ministerial life, he has been my trusted friend and mentor. Pastor O’Leary has taught me many things about how to love, respect and pastor people. He has taught me how to love, respect and honor God’s Church.

Pastor O’Leary loves the people of Auburn. He loves the Church and pastors of Auburn. He is someone I highly respect and greatly admire. Many preachers come and go, but Pat O’Leary has chosen to invest his life in the city of Auburn. I am proud to call him my friend.

Auburn is full of many faithful leaders and servants of God. Leaders with integrity who genuinely value other churches and other leaders besides themselves. Servants such as Pastors Albert Vaughns, Ghyrn Wakefield, Bob Purvis, Mike Moran, Greg Kaurin, Shawn DeOrnellis, Bill Roberts, Ron Kocher, Stacy Scott, Jay Ostos and many more.

This is obviously an incomplete list, but it seemed right to at least write down a few of my friends by name. I believe they are engaged in important, often thankless work. They should be honored for their work, commitment and care for this city.

I’ve been a senior pastor for about 13 years. I am often surprised I’ve lasted this long. I enjoy preaching, teaching and writing, but I haven’t always been that great at being with people. Recently someone told me I didn’t know how to be a real pastor, that I needed to learn how to “be with people.”

As she hit me with the “Bad Pastor Stick,” I wanted to say, “Yeah, you’re right! I’m not too good at a lot of this basic stuff. But for some reason, God called me to be a pastor. I’m as confused as you are. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has called me to love and care for His church.”

Today’s column is my way of thanking all the pastors around me who have helped me become a better person. When you talk of your love and care for others, I am listening and trying to learn how to do it better. You will never fully know how much you have encouraged and strengthened me as a person and as a pastor.

I am exited about the “Big Church” in Auburn; the full expression of Christ I find in the various leaders and congregation in our city. Thank you, Lord, for your leaders and Church in Auburn. Thank you for letting me be a part of this community of pastors.

“Live from Seattle with Doug Bursch” can be heard 4-6 p.m. weekdays on KGNW 820 AM. Doug Bursch also pastors Evergreen Foursquare Church. Evergreen meets at 10 a.m. Sundays at 2407 M St. SE next to Pioneer Elementary School. He can be reached at www.fairlyspiritual.org or doug@fairlyspiritual.org.