Auburn gets state grant to improve intersections

The Washington State Department of Transportation recently awarded the City of Auburn a $400,000 grant with no local match requirement to improve safety at several signalized intersections throughout the city.

The Washington State Department of Transportation recently awarded the City of Auburn a $400,000 grant with no local match requirement to improve safety at several signalized intersections throughout the city.

These funds come from a federal highway safety improvement program, which awarded them based on an application the City submitted last fall.

City planners have selected 18 intersections based on their high accident history.

Among the improvements will be flashing yellow arrows, auxiliary signal heads, vehicle detection systems, LED signal head lamps and similar safety improvements at all the chosen intersections.

Part of the award requires the City to add the project to its Local Transportation Improvement Program and to the state Transportation Improvement Program to obligate the funds and use the money.

“Overall, this is a very good opportunity for us to make some much needed safety improvements to several signalized intersections throughout the city,” Chris Hankins, transportation planner told the Auburn City Council before a recent public hearing.

Most of the 18 intersections are along Auburn Way North and the intersecting streets. Four of them are on Auburn Way North, two on A Street Southeast, two on C Street Southwest, the remainder being at the intersection of Auburn Way and East Main Street and at 4th Street Southeast and 4th Street Northeast.

No members of the public spoke up at the hearing.