Auburn police blotter | Dec. 27

Auburn police responded to the following calls for service, among many others, between Dec. 15 and 22.

Auburn police responded to the following calls for service, among many others, between Dec. 15 and 22:

Dec. 15

Theft: 2830 block of 22nd Street Southeast. A blow-up lawn decoration was purloined from a front yard.

Shoplifting: 12:01 p.m., 762 Outlet Collection Drive SW. Two brothers tried to steal 37 Blu-Ray movies from Walmart, and when police got wind of it, arrested the bros for it.

Dec. 19

Burglary: 6:41 a.m., 710 block of East Main Street. A burglar at this time known only to himself stole a spool of copper wire of undisclosed value from a construction site.

Vandalism: 2:30 p.m., 401 W. Main St. Having smashed one of the windows of a car belonging to a West Auburn High School employee, somebody took the woman’s purse and its undisclosed contents.

Eau de thief: 8:21 p.m., 1416 Harvey Road NE. Somebody stole 31 bottles of perfume from Walgreens.

Vandalism: 3:20 p.m., 12401 SE 320th St. Somebody drove screws or nails into a car’s tires at Green River Community College, the latest of several like incidents that have bedeviled the campus in recent weeks.

Dec. 20

Theft: 12:35 p.m., 1441 D St. NE. Vandals damaged a woman’s vehicle using unspecified methods on the Applebees parking lot.

Theft: 5:50 p.m., 930 block of 28th Street Northeast. Somebody stole six duffel bags of military gear belonging to a U.S. Army soldier from the front porch of his ex-girlfriend’s home.

Assault with firearm: 6:15 p.m., 1200 Lake Tapps Parkway SE. Once driver A finished racing driver B on Lake Tapps Parkway Southeast, driver B pulled up, pointed an assault rifle at A and his brother C, and sped off. Nobody was hurt.

Theft: 7 p.m., 333 15th St.NE. While a man’s truck was parked at his apartment complex, somebody got in and thieved a lot of personal belongings.

Theft: 5 p.m., 31600 126th Avenue SE. An acquaintance visiting a man’s home stole his host’s wallet. Police did not disclose the value of the loss.

Dec. 21

Car theft: Overnight, 200th block of 14th Street Southeast. Somebody left a green, 1999 Mazda Protege in an alley, unlocked, keys in the ignition, and a thief took advantage of the situation.

Robbery: 4:38 p.m., 1531 Auburn Way N. Having tried to rob a McDonalds with a firearm, the would-be robber ran off.

Theft: 7:30 a.m., 1220 block of 72nd Street Southeast. Somebody stole a tool box and two bicycles from a home.

Shoplifting: 9:17 p.m., 1231 Auburn Way N. After a woman had shoplifted merchandise from a drug store, an employee called 911, prompting the thief to make good her escape without her purse. The store recovered the stolen merchandise from the purse, which the woman had tastefully accessorized with drug paraphernalia.

Dec. 22

Forgery: 5:41 a.m., 1404 A St. SE. A guy in his mid-30’s, driving a gold or silver Honda Accord with a Washington license, camo hat perched atop his mass of dark brown hair, passed a counterfeit $20 bill at Donel’s Espresso, thus obtaining an illicit, yet guzzleable, cup of hot chocolate.

Theft: 6:35 a.m. 2402 Auburn Way S. Having hired a Cuddy’s Taxi to drive them to the Muckleshoot Casino, one of two women in the cab’s backseat skedaddled, leaving the other behind without money to pay the fare. Police cited the woman for theft and released her. Cuddy’s Taxi intends to press charges.

Theft: 12 p.m., 5000 Highland Drive. A thief, or thieves, stole or vandalized items a woman had stored in a backyard shed and on her back porch.

Shoplifter loses his bearings: 1:36 p.m., 762 Outlet Collection Drive SW. Police busted a man for trying to steal a GPS unit from Walmart.

Vandalism: 5:02 p.m., 1310 block of Auburn Way North. Somebody smashed a vehicle window and stole a jacket from its rightful owner.

Theft: 6:01 p.m., 762 Outlet Collection Drive SW. A woman tried to return items she had stolen from a store, but the store wasn’t fooled and police swooped in to arrest her.

Trespassing: 6:11 p.m., 1402 Auburn Way N. With a hearty and heartfelt warning not to show her schnozz there again, Sunshine Deli ownership gave a naughty girl the heave-ho.