Bad move

The Auburn City Council has been working hard to improve our city and has taken some bold steps to do so. But on one matter, I think they missed the mark.

The Auburn City Council has been working hard to improve our city and has taken some bold steps to do so. But on one matter, I think they missed the mark.

The plan for the new activity center in Les Grove Park calls for the removal of ACAP so the space can be used for a parking lot. The new building replacing the old YMCA building could have been placed farther northeast, using a deeper parking lot rather than one using the ACAP space.

I think ACAP has become an Auburn institution, and its moving from this location with $1-a-month rent could have been a backbreaker for them.

Thank goodness for the kind hearts at United Methodist Church who have purchased land so ACAP could move to its location. Without their gracious action, the existence of ACAP would have been jeopardized. Even so, the use of park facilities will be lost to those kids who attend ACAP.

– Dan Shields