Elect Nancy Backus for Mayor fundraiser set for Saturday

Auburn mayoral candidate Nancy Backus and her campaign staff host a meet-and-greet downtown fundraiser Saturday.

Auburn mayoral candidate Nancy Backus and her campaign staff host a meet-and-greet downtown fundraiser Saturday.

The benefit runs from 7 to 11 p.m. in the Rainier Room on the second floor of Truitt Building, 102 W. Main St.

The public is invited to meet Backus, share views and listen to her vision and goals.

There is no admission charge. Contributions will be accepted.

The Fabulous Murphtones will provide music, Longhorn Barbecue will serve appetizers.

Backus, a City Councilmemer and deputy mayor, is competing against fellow Councilmember John Partridge and Scot Pondelick, an Iraq war veteran, for the office.

Pete Lewis has decided not to pursue a fourth term in office.