Healthy living: Is HCG the diet for me?

It is typical to wonder if a low calorie diet can result in the loss of lean muscle mass, according to Kelly Andringa of the MediPro Slim Auburn Clinic.

It is typical to wonder if a low calorie diet can result in the loss of lean muscle mass, according to Kelly Andringa of the MediPro Slim Auburn Clinic.

The center specializes in the HCG MediPro Slim Direct™ Weight Loss Program, a medically supervised program providing clients with a sustainable 850-1150 calories per day. They have found that most patients sustain their energy, brain clarity, lean muscle and are not hungry, while losing up to a pound of fat daily and experiencing overall improvements in health.

“Although HCG has been proven to be safe and effective, many people still wonder if they can trust where the HCG is coming from,” Andringa said. “Not everyone is sourcing their HCG from trusted, FDA approved facilities. MediProDirect Slim partners with one of the most advanced compounding pharmaceutical labs in the United States. Before our HCG ever goes into a client’s body, it has gone through three regorous sets of testing for purity and accuracy of measure.”

According to its Web site, the program was designed around the work done by Dr. A.T.W. Simeon from Rome, Italy, an OB-GYN specialist who discovered a unique formula that enabled extremely obese patients to lose weight. This protocol has been in use for decades in Europe.

It is an aggressive weight loss regimen that must be directed by a physician as it involves a natural hormone, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) which is injected in very tiny amounts.

HCG is a hormone produced in very large quantities during pregnancy. It communicates with a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is considered the health maintenance organization of the body, regulating or influencing almost all of the health promoting systems in the body.

Dr. Simeon’s discovered that the use of very small amounts of HCG combined with a very specific diet led to fat loss without feeling hungry. So, is the use of HCG safe in these small quantities? From every indication, it is not only safe but it actually may be helpful for things other than losing weight.

A review of the medical literature reveals that HCG causes a decrease in the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Current literature also is showing that HCG directly affects Leptin, a hormone only recently discovered (in 1994) that is excreted by fat cells and travels to the hypothalamus to give the message “I’ve stored up enough fat, I don’t need to be hungry.”

It seems the HCG helps unlock the pathway for Leptin in the hypothalamus. HCG is not HGH (Human Growth Hormone). They are completely different molecules with different actions in the body. There are absolutely no stimulant drugs or anything that might increase the pulse or blood pressure in the HCG MediPro Slim Direct™ program.”

For more information, call 253-737-5550 or go to

Kelly Andringa is owner of the MediPro Slim Auburn Clinic and director of Clinica Services for the corporation.