Knowlen, Matthies display artwork at City Hall; reception March 12

Deceptively simple imagery imbued with cultural references to circus-side-shows, folk art and ephemera from yesteryear embody the artwork of Poulsbo artist Michelle Knowlen and Seattle based artist Tia Matthies.

Michelle Knowlen embraces the weird, the sweet, the innocent, the slimy, the dark, and the whimsical in her acrylic and mixed-media artwork. Common themes revolve around the natural world, often using playful contradictions between Man vs. Nature. She notes that the elements represented are “a little bit of lovely with a healthy spattering of bizarre.”

Tia Matthies’ images are folksy representations of a whimsical and sometimes surreal worldview. Using the traditional medium of Encaustic painting (also know as hot wax painting), the artist melts and mixes pigment into to heated beeswax and etches imagery into the surface to create her fanciful world.

The public is invited to experience a unique opportunity to meet and chat with the artists, enjoy light snacks, and view the exhibit on Thursday, March 12, at 5:30-7 p.m.

The Auburn City Hall Gallery is presented by the Auburn Arts Commission and Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation. For a 2009 Gallery Brochure or for information on other cultural arts programs, go to or call 253-931-3043.