Local author’s eco-adventure book places third in national contest

Delilah Jean Williams' book, "Scorched Earth, Alien Wonders", recently took third place (honorable mention) in the 2015 national Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival contest in the wild card category.

Delilah Jean Williams’ book, “Scorched Earth, Alien Wonders”, recently took third place (honorable mention) in the 2015 national Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival contest in the wild card category.

The Auburn woman spun a creative and clever, character-driven book that delivers many messages, one of which subtlety reflects today’s commentary on climate change.

“It’s environmental responsibility and wildlife stewardship, and how they tie together,” Williams said of her book (American Serengeti Press). “At its core, the book has a powerful message on environmental responsibility and wildlife stewardship. … It’s a rich (book genre) field today.”

Williams, an environmental journalist, published author and political activist, fused fantasy with ecology, scientific research with imagination, into a futuristic, light-hearted, eco-adventure about hope, betrayal, love and enlightenment told from a non-human perspective.

The Amazon five-star rated book is about aliens who come to Earth disguised as prairie dogs, the only remaining animals on the planet after most of mankind has relocated to Mars. Their mission is to find out if humans are savage bastards or a benevolent tribe, which is judged by how they treat lower life forms.

The story is told from a non-human perspective, with many deeper messages of environmental responsibility, compassion, betrayal and greed woven throughout a humorous, light-hearted story.

The book can be previewed here.

Contest details can be found here: www.animalsbookfestival.com.

“Scorched Earth, Alien Wonders” can be purchased locally in Auburn at Zola’s Café.

In addition, a signed copy can be requested from the author at delilahjeanwilliams@gmail.com