Making a kid’s wish come true

Rairdon’s Nissan joins VRFA, Auburn Police in giving away bikes, helmets to children

Management and workers at Rairdon’s Nissan of Auburn stepped it up with a show of Christmas generosity last Saturday.

The dealership, led by manager George Hall and employee Leia Duckworth, raised funds to buy 80 bicycles as Christmas gifts for Dick Scobee Elementary students.

The Valley Regional Fire Authority and the Auburn Police Officers Association joined the effort, collecting and donating bike helmets for the young riders.

Manager George Hall and worker Leia Duckworth with Lyriq Robertson, 9. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter

Manager George Hall and worker Leia Duckworth with Lyriq Robertson, 9. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter

Manager George Hall have Alfredo Susano-Vargas, 5, and Heiser Martinez-Vargas, 10, choose bikes. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter

Manager George Hall have Alfredo Susano-Vargas, 5, and Heiser Martinez-Vargas, 10, choose bikes. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter

From right, on Spider-Man bikes: Marshall Willard, Manager George Hall, Leia Duckworth, Tammy Takayesu, and Andrea Hanson with her son Xander, 6. From right middle: Mike Carter (blue shirt), Arin Gardner (No. 3 Seahawks shirt) and in back, Coyote Carter (light blue shirt). Joining them are VRFA firefighters. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter

From right, on Spider-Man bikes: Marshall Willard, Manager George Hall, Leia Duckworth, Tammy Takayesu, and Andrea Hanson with her son Xander, 6. From right middle: Mike Carter (blue shirt), Arin Gardner (No. 3 Seahawks shirt) and in back, Coyote Carter (light blue shirt). Joining them are VRFA firefighters. RACHEL CIAMPI, Reporter