New high school makes economic sense

It's too bad that the Jensons didn't attend a recent community meeting at Auburn High, which explained why continuing to constantly repair the old building costs us more.

It’s too bad that the Jensons didn’t attend a recent community meeting at Auburn High, which explained why continuing to constantly repair the old building costs us more.

We have updated our old house like they did theirs. However, we had only one heating system to replace. With all the out-buildings, etc., Auburn High School has nine.

We have a front door and a back door and constantly admonished our four kids to keep the cold air out. The old high school has more than 40 outside doors with 1,500 kids going in and out every hour.

The new building has one heating system and only two major outside entrances.

Schools have stricter regulations to ensure safety than we have in our homes. The new school is planned to meet those for many years. You rewired your old house, but rewiring to commercial codes is much more expensive. You probably have one computer, but schools have at least one in every classroom. Attendance and grading systems require them.

Computer labs are necessary to make sure our students have the skills necessary to get a job. You may not agree with that new technology, but go to any business, big or small, and computers are there and employees need to know how to use them.

We replaced our house’s roof, but it wasn’t a concave roof that collects rain instead of sheds it. In the ’50s that was the newest thing, but in our rainy climate, it doesn’t work at all. The new building will have a roof designed to shed, not collect rain.

Look at the plans for updating the Performing Arts Center. It will still have the “state-of-the-art acoustic system” because the building will stay, but handicapped people will have access and carpeting and seating will be updated.

Because some elementary schools are now paid for and bond rates are low now, this bond issue will not raise our taxes. It qualifies for $25 million in state matching funds, but only if the bond issue passes this time. Building now provides jobs right here in Auburn.

Don’t our school kids deserve to have a safe and comfortable learning environment without drip buckets and freezing rooms? If you have questions, go to one of the community meetings. The time to build a new Auburn High is now.

Please vote yes for Auburn Schools.

– Ken and Fern Valentine