‘Prolific’ burglary suspect arrested after trying to flee Auburn police

Auburn police have arrested two suspects on felony charges after a suspect vehicle struck an officer’s vehicle as it attempted to flee from police.

On Jan. 25, the Valley SWAT team assisted the Auburn Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit in Auburn in arresting a “prolific” burglary suspect, a 28-year-old man. According to the department, law enforcement believed the suspect to be armed with multiple firearms.

After the SWAT team arrived at the location of the suspect, the suspect attempted to flee the area as a passenger in an SUV with three additional occupants, according to the department.

The suspect’s vehicle struck an Auburn Police Department’s K9 vehicle after turning into a parking lot to avoid an armored SWAT vehicle, according to the department.

According to the department, the impact of the collision resulted in the deployment of multiple airbags in the officer’s vehicle. The officer driving the vehicle suffered minor injuries as a result of the collision and was transported to a hospital for further examination.

The burglary suspect suffered a fracture to his leg in the crash. Law enforcement arrested the suspect.

According to the department, law enforcement also arrested the driver of the vehicle, a 31-year-old man, for striking the Auburn Police Department vehicle on a felony assault charge.

Both suspects were transported to a local hospital for treatment.

The officer’s K9 partner suffered no injuries in the incident.

According to the department, at the time of arrest, the 28-year-old man held eight felony cases from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, 12 felony cases referred to the King County Prosecutor for charging, and served as a suspect in approximately 20 additional felony cases in the region.

Law enforcement found the suspect armed with a handgun at the time of arrest and recovered several additional firearms from the suspect’s residence.