Small fire causes evacuation

An small fire at an apartment at East Main Street on Wednesday forced an evacuation before firefighters extinguished the blaze

At approximately 8:06 p.m. the Valley Regional Fire Authority was dispatched to an apartment fire at 134 East Main St. Initial reports stated that there was one apartment with black smoke coming from it. First-arriving fire units found the second floor apartment building charged with light smoke.

Crews initial started evacuation of the structure and then made access to the fire unit. Initial findings in the apartment were moderate smoke conditions with a small fire in the corner of the unit.

Firefighters were able to extinguish the rest of the fire and check for extension into the walls and overhead. The fire was contained to the unit of origin. After removal of smoke by the fire department all occupants were let back into their rooms. The occupant of the fire room was moved to another part of the building.