TV, online King County Video Voter’s Guide premieres today


Now that ballots are due to arrive in mailboxes across King County, the public can pursue more information on the countywide issues and candidates in the upcoming general election by watching TV or logging on to the computer.

The King County Video Voters Guide on King County TV begins at 5 p.m. today, with regular replays up to Nov. 3.

The guide enables voters to hear directly from the candidates and issues in the countywide races that appear on the November ballot. Each candidate or proponent is allowed to present a two-minute statement.

King County and Seattle joined the Video Voters Guide (VVG) in odd-numbered years since 1993. The King County VVG includes statements from candidates for King County government, the Port of Seattle Commission, and from speakers on countywide measures. The Seattle edition provides statements from candidates for city of Seattle government, the Seattle School Board, and speakers on citywide measures.

On cable TV the VVG is available to approximately 425,000 King County households through an array of local and regional government access channels, including King County TV, the Seattle Channel, and many municipal stations. It is also distributed through many libraries.

The online version of the VVG draws the most users by far of any single program posted on the King County TV web site.

To view the VVG online, go to: For viewing times on King County TV, go to its Web site: