Vehicle vs. pedestrian accident | Fire blotter

From the Valley Regional Fire Authority

The following is a sample of calls that Valley Regional Fire Authority responded to between Oct. 5-9.

Vehicle vs. pedestrian: (Lakeland Hills) At 5:20 p.m. Oct. 5, firefighters responded to a vehicle vs. pedestrian accident. Personnel arrived and confirmed that the pedestrian was deceased on location. The driver of the vehicle was not injured. The scene was turned over to Auburn police for further investigation.

Shooting: (Auburn) At 12:20 a.m. Oct. 6, VRFA firefighters and King County paramedics, along with Washington State Patrol, responded to a shooting and subsequent car accident on Highway 18 at C Street SW. Firefighters arrived to find one male patient on the ground with WSP doing CPR and several vehicles that had been in accidents. Firefighters and paramedics worked to save the male patient that had been shot. Efforts were unsuccessful to regain a pulse. There were several other minor injuries from the vehicle accidents but none of the patients wanted treatment or were transported. The scene was turned back over to WSP.

Shooting: (South Auburn) At 6:39 p.m. Oct. 6, firefighters responded to a male who had been reportedly shot. Firefighters and King County Medic One found one person with a gunshot wound to the upper leg. Firefighters and Medic One personnel treated the patient on scene. The patient was then transported to Harborview Medical Center by Medic 6.

Vehicle Accident: (South Auburn) At 10:58 p.m. Oct. 7, firefighters responded to a head-on vehicle accident in the 3200 block of Auburn Way South. One patient was trapped in the vehicle. Firefighters used extrication tools to remove a patient with serious injuries. Patient was treated by VRFA personnel and King County Medic One. She was transported to Harborview by Medic 6. Firefighters evaluated a second driver from the other vehicle who stated he was uninjured. The patient declined further aid and firefighters left him in the company of Auburn Police.

Overdose: (Auburn) At 4:20 p.m. Oct. 8, firefighters assisted an adult male who was found unconscious and not breathing after using heroin. Firefighters gave him artificial respiration using a bag valve mask. The patient was given multiple doses of Narcan and eventually started breathing on his own. Once awake he refused any further help.

Residential fire: (Pacific) At 8:31 p.m. Oct. 9, firefighters responded to a kitchen fire at a residential home. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation.