VRFA fire and rescue blotter | Feb. 15

The Valley Regional Fire Authority responded to 172 Requests for service between Feb. 4 and Feb. 10, among them the following:

The Valley Regional Fire Authority responded to 172 Requests for service between Feb. 4 and Feb. 10, among them the following:

Feb. 4

Aid call: 4:08 p.m., (Auburn). A man who’d been suffering from flu-like symptoms got treatment from firefighters and transportation to MultiCare Auburn Medical Center in a private ambulance.

Feb. 5

Aid call: 9 a.m., (Lea Hill). Firefighters responding to a teenage girl who’d suffered an eye injury before leaving school for the day examined her at her home before her parents drove her to the family doctor for further evaluation.

Feb. 6

Aid call: 7:56 a.m., (Auburn). Firefighters and King County Medics responding to a female with chest pain examined and stabilized her before a private ambulance took her off to MAMC for further evaluation.

Feb. 7

Fall: 9:18 a.m., (Pacific). Somebody complaining of neck pain from a minor fall one day earlier got help from firefighters, who examined the person and determined that Medics who were on the way would not be needed. A private ambulance then transported the person to MAMC.

Feb. 8

Aid call: 6:30 p.m., (Algona). Valley Com dispatched firefighters to a minor car wreck so they could evaluate somebody for Algona Police. What they found was a person in a vehicle in the throes of a diabetic reaction. Firefighters quickly got the person out so that King County Medics could provide therapy. Firefighters then drove the person to MAMC.

Feb. 9

Automatic fire alarm: 12:27 p.m., (Lakeland Hills). Food cooking zestily atop a stove in an apartment set off a smoke alarm, bringing firefighters on the double. Firefighters weren’t needed, however, because the occupants had already silenced the alarm.

Feb. 10

Assault: 11:36 p.m., (South Auburn). Called to the scene of a fight, firefighters waited a safe distance away from the action until police officers could secure the area. When that was done, firefighters helped a man who had fallen backward and sustained a minor injury to the back of his head. A VRFA aid unit transported the man to MAMC.