Walk across America

Update on Auburn’s ‘Pacin Parson’

Update on Auburn’s ‘Pacin Parson’

Auburn’s Don Stevenson is walking 13,000 miles to raise awareness and funds for Huntington’s disease (HD), a progressively degenerative brain disorder.

He left Seattle on April 26 to complete the final 3,000-mile leg to New York City. His wife, Loretta, is driving a support van.

Stevenson is a Christian author, former teacher, pastor, volunteer firefighter, truck driver and Marine. After retiring in 1994, he devoted his time to writing – and walking. He has logged more than 33,000 miles of walking for various charities since 1998.

• Start: Space Needle,

Seattle, April 26

• Finish: New York City’s Empire State Building, Sept. 15.

• As of Tuesday: Don and Loretta made it to Grand Forks, N.D., and are about to step into Minnesota, following U.S. Highway 2.

To contribute to

HD Society of America, please call 206-464-9598, or send your check to: HD Society of America, (Code #070TH03), P.O. Box 33345, Seattle, WA 98133. Please indicate the contribution is for the “13,000-mile Park Walk.”

To receive regular updates on Stevenson’s trip, please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pacinparson/ and click “join this group.”