Green River College stays true to its mission, despite criticism | GUEST OP

When Hayes Holman proposed the creation of Green River College more than 50 years ago, his goal was to improve lives and strengthen the economy of our area through educational opportunities for all citizens in our communities.

When Hayes Holman proposed the creation of Green River College more than 50 years ago, his goal was to improve lives and strengthen the economy of our area through educational opportunities for all citizens in our communities.

Over the past 50 years, the college has conferred more than 64,000 degrees and certificates. Green River graduates have realized a median income increase of more than $259,000 throughout their lives. The college has provided a $16.6 billion impact to our communities.

These influences have allowed our students to leave a legacy of poverty and enter a new era of prosperity in their lives. Our faculty, staff and administrators have personally helped to guide our students onto a path of learning, fulfillment and achievement.

Between 2005 and 2014, Green River College increased its completion rate by 44 percent, despite the fact that faculty on campus have chosen not to participate in efforts aimed at increasing student success, such as a proposed Title III grant, which would have secured greater equity for our students and narrowed the achievement gap.

The college has expanded opportunities available to our students through the addition of new bachelor of applied science degrees, which ensure that Green River graduates can find high-wage, high-demand jobs after graduation. This progress has occurred, despite the unfair criticisms aimed at the motivation for development of these new degree offerings.

Green River has secured more than $891,000 from the National Science Foundation to build a mechatronics program jointly offered through partnerships with the Kent School District and Boeing, despite claims that the college is neglecting our community.

Although recent articles discuss the breakdown of shared governance at the college, Green River has launched a participatory governance model on campus, which allows for decision-making from constituents across all areas of the college. This model has been instrumental in moving forward programs and processes on campus, despite faculty resistance and falsehoods spread about this process.

The college’s dedication to the success of its students is unwavering, despite the environment on campus.

Despite all of the rhetoric that you may have heard, Green River College continues to fulfill its mission of serving students and community partners. Green River continues to offer programs that will allow our students to find success in their lives. And, Green River College will continue to do so for the next 50 years and beyond.

The Green River College Board of Trustees includes Pete Lewis (chair); Claudia Kauffman; Linda Cowan; Mark Albertson and Tim Clark. For more information, visit