Green River serving students first | Guest op

Green River College's mission is to "ensure student success through comprehensive educational programs and support services responsive to our diverse communities."

Green River College’s mission is to “ensure student success through comprehensive educational programs and support services responsive to our diverse communities.”

The work performed at the college is focused on ensuring student success. Indeed, it is our unwavering dedication to this mission that guides decision making.

With the recent announcement of potential program closures at the college, there have been some questions regarding the future of students enrolled in auto body technology, geographic information systems (GIS) and carpentry. At no time has the college planned to eliminate these programs without ensuring that the students will achieve their educational goals.

The college will provide opportunities at Green River or one of our neighboring community and technical college campuses to allow students to earn the desired credentials.

The decision has not yet been made to close any programs at the college. The faculty contract requires a 30-day notice period to allow faculty to present recommendations and alternatives to the proposed reduction-in-force.

Green River is appreciative and respectful of the outpouring of support we have received for these programs from students, faculty and community members. The college is hopeful that faculty will propose solutions to budgetary and enrollment issues, which will allow the programs to continue and thrive.

The fact of the matter is that Green River is in a period of increasing economic constraints. The college has a fiduciary responsibility to use its resources wisely. While it may be painful and difficult, the college is obligated to ensure financial viability of the institution.

In the wake of educational contract negotiations and proposed program closures, faculty, staff and administration are all feeling the impact of these difficult discussions, which is not unexpected, given the circumstances. Accusations have been made about the college that have little or no basis in fact; sensationalism draws more attention than the truth, more often than not. One recent accusation relates to international students at Green River.

It has been claimed that Green River College provides some preference to its international students. It has been said that international students are more valuable to the college, since they pay more money in tuition. Unfortunately, the authors of this line of argumentation have forgotten the mission of the college: “to ensure student success through comprehensive educational programs and support services responsive to our diverse communities.”

Green River understands the benefits that international students provide to our college communities. International programs help to bridge the divide between cultures by teaching students to embrace differences and learn about other cultures. This is as true for our domestic students as it is for those who travel abroad to receive their education at Green River.

In a growing global economy, it is essential for the next generation of workers to have the cultural competency that can only be gained through experience of other cultures. Green River’s international programs offer all students the opportunity to learn about the global environment and be a part of the next generation in business and education.

Green River created its international program with two goals: to widen the perspective of domestic students and to bring badly needed revenue to the college for the benefit of all students. Since the program’s inception in 1988, international student tuition has contributed over $70 million to the college; no state money has been used to fund this program. During the 2013-2014 academic year, international students and their dependents contributed $736,952,000 to the state economy.

The revenues generated by the international program have spared Green River from the programmatic and service cuts that most colleges in our area have had to undertake in recent years. Unfortunately, the continued decrease in state support is requiring that Green River, now, take a look at under-enrolled programs and expensive programs.

Green River’s mission does not distinguish between international students and domestic students. The college does not differentiate students based on their country of origin. In Kent, for example, 138 different languages are spoken by district students.

Green River College is an open-access institution that allows people from all walks of life to obtain college credentials to find better employment opportunities and better their lives. Green River is here to serve students and to provide an education to all people that wish to learn.

The success of all students is the paramount duty of the college, regardless of country of origin, ethnicity, background or any other distinguishing demographic. The college hopes that we can all put the interests of the students first — all students — and not let politics sway us from this central mission.

Dr. Eileen Ely is president of Green River College.