Inappropriate cartoon shows lack of compassion

I was absolutely horrified to come across the editorial cartoon with the target and the police badge in the July 15 Reporter.

I was absolutely horrified to come across the editorial cartoon with the target and the police badge in the July 15 Reporter.

In what way could that ever be deemed appropriate to publish for any reason?

Obviously, the racial tension in our country is out of control right now. Some for good reason, some for not. I’m sure you must agree that a large part of this situation – in regards to the riots and hatred against the police in general – is fueled by social media and news agencies riding the wagon train. It all feeds the ongoing tension, only making matters worse.

Sure, it’s a hot topic. But is it right to post this cartoon in this manner? To possibly make matters worse? Surely, you can see this is wrong. What kind of message does this send? At the very least, this was in very poor taste by the Reporter.

Where is your sense of compassion?

Let’s all work toward a solution so our children can live in a safe and happy environment. I think I can positively say that is what we all want.

As a side note, my husband is a police officer, and we have children whom he hugs and loves every night when he comes home. As a family, we respect his job as a police officer, and at the same time we just want him to come home at night. He puts himself out there almost every day to try to make things better and keep citizens safe. He has great respect for all citizens and tries to treat all citizens with the respect and attention they deserve.

Please, let’s try to see the good in each other and also try to remember that 99.9 percent of police officers are good people who work hard for their community to become a better place.

Being a police officer is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and they honestly do the best job they can.

– Michelle Meyers