Auburn traffic advisories: BNSF Railroad crossings; Merrill Gardens Project

From Sunday, April 23, to Monday, May 1, night construction work for the 3rd BNSF Rail Line Project will be underway and require railroad flaggers to provide temporary safety measures at railroad crossings along the BNSF rail line (Main Street, 3rd Street NW, 29th Street NW, 37th Street NW).

The work is scheduled to occur nightly from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Access to residences and businesses within the project area will be maintained during construction.


On Saturday, April 22, construction of the Merrill Gardens Project will require daytime disruptions to the intersection of A Street SE and 2nd Street SE as well as lane restrictions on A Street SE, 1st Street SE and 2nd Street SE from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. for construction activities. This work is dependent on weather.

Access to residences and businesses within the project area will be maintained during construction, but delays should be expected.

For more information, contact the City of Auburn Community Development and Public Works Department at 253-931-3010.