The sun rises on the evil and the good. The rain falls on the wicked and the just. And grace defines the life of every person who has ever walked this earth.
When writing a column, the beginning is the hardest part. The lead-in words never come easy to me. So I think I’ll start today’s column with the ending first.
A couple weeks back I had an enlightening conversation with my older sister, Christine. She’s an extremely intelligent and wise person. Besides being a full-time medical doctor, she’s also the worship leader for our church. It truly is one of my joys in life to work alongside my big sis.
Jesus told us the meek would inherit the earth. The cynical among us don’t see that happening. Seems like the meek will have a difficult time garnering enough votes to rule or even filibuster. And even if they could filibuster, being meek, they probably won’t.
I thought I’d write a column about all the random stuff I’ve been thinking about this month.
I don’t enjoy reading. I’ve been told this is the definition of dyslexia. Or at least part of the definition. Dyslexics lose their desire to read, or they never gain a desire, or they can’t seem to maintain a desire to continue along the written page.
Every person, at least once in their lifetime, should experience the joy of setting up and knocking down a carefully-spaced row of dominoes.
It seems moderates are going the way of the Amish. We may still exist, but the culture has left us behind. Or at least the “new media” has pushed our political horse drawn carriages aside.
While driving to Bellevue, to pass the time I decided to measure the worth of my life. Or at least I tried to measure some of the fruit associated with my existence.
Jesus told a parable about two men who entered a house of worship. One man spent his prayer time contrasting his life with others. He was a religious leader, a regular churchgoer, someone respected by his congregation.
I’m a restless sleeper. I don’t know if I toss at night, but I definitely turn.
When we think of fulfillment, we rarely look at the area of servanthood. Very few people wake up and say, “I wish I could serve more!” Rather, we are taught from an early age that satisfaction comes from living a life that meets our goals and our dreams.
My thoughts on the Apostle Paul’s words.
“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”
I’m going to write some unfiltered thoughts about prayer. By the end you might be somewhat annoyed with me. But hey, what’s new. The Bible’s rather clear on praying for both your friends and your enemies. So I should be covered.
A few months back, Apple’s co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs introduced the world to a strange device with a silly name. With the unveiling of the iPad, many critics around the world immediately, and somewhat gleefully, proclaimed Apple finally had made a technological blunder.
Jesus Christ is God’s answer to our sins. Each and every one of us has turned away from God. We have all fallen away from God’s glory.
Thou shall not bear false witness … unless your false witness is in the form of an e-mail. In that case, feel free to forward your lies to everyone in your address book. For although God is truth and His followers must walk in truth, it’s really not a big deal to pass on an e-mail that might not be completely true. I mean most of it is probably true and anyway, it does a great job of proving our preconceived opinion and we’re just sending it to a few of our friends. So what’s the big deal.
With the 2010 Mariners baseball season on the horizon, I’ve been thinking a lot about how the children of Israel wandered for many years in the wilderness.
I’d like to start today’s article by shaming everyone who has not kept their New Year’s resolutions. What’s wrong with you people? Is this really how you want to start a new decade?
I enjoy emotional music. In fact, I’m a sucker for a good soundtrack. The plot, acting, and special effects might stink to high heaven, but if the movie is scored by John Williams I’ll let it slide. My cynicism is no match for an evocative, weepy violin crescendo. Consequently, I’ve teared up at the climax of some really awful films.