Auburn, more than you imagined?

magine being King County's preferred site for the new transfer station. Imagine that the property under consideration (the 287th block of West Valley Highway) is the best South King County location despite its wetlands, proximity to the FEMA flood zone, natural habitats and preserved farmlands.

Imagine being King County’s preferred site for the new transfer station.

Imagine that the property under consideration (the 287th block of West Valley Highway) is the best South King County location despite its wetlands, proximity to the FEMA flood zone, natural habitats and preserved farmlands.

Imagine the noise, air, land and light pollution of a 24-hour/7-day operation.

Imagine the wear and tear on roads and the additional traffic congestion of several thousand vehicles bringing their garbage to Auburn – each week.

Imagine – because it seems to be the case – your city government that seems to be in support of this location.

Imagine everyone with concerns contacting the City of Auburn and King County and getting this changed.

Say no to the North Auburn Garbage Site before Auburn does become … more than you imagined.

– Kathleen Cummings