Walmart war: What is the City thinking?

It would have been refreshing to read “City of Auburn working with and encouraged Walmart in redevelopment of their old location,” rather than the “City of Auburn suing Walmart.”

What a waste of time and money.

Nobody has tenants knocking at their doors these days, and I am sure they will redevelop the site when the economy permits, and zoning laws should dictate what they can do with their site, not what the City wants. It is their land and money.

On another subject, I understand the City will pass new garbage rates soon that continue to increase the burden on commercial and industrial customers to subsidize residential customers.

Why don’t the residential customers pay at least what Waste Management charges for the service? After taking a million dollars out of the Solid Waste Utility reserve (a standalone enterprise fund) to help build a new building at Les Gove Park, it is ludicrous to keep heaping costs on the business community.

When will we see common sense in the Auburn City government?

Auburn is truly more than I ever imagined.

– Fred Poe