Rep. Hargrove sponsors student page from Auburn

Homeschooled student Alex Krause traveled from Auburn to Olympia the week of Feb. 28 to serve as a page in the Washington State House of Representatives. He was sponsored by his 47th District Rep. Mark Hargrove.

Homeschooled student Alex Krause traveled from Auburn to Olympia the week of Feb. 28 to serve as a page in the Washington State House of Representatives. He was sponsored by his 47th District Rep. Mark Hargrove.

Krause, the son of Jeannie and Tony Krause of Auburn, attended page school each day to learn about the legislative process. The 10th-grader also had the opportunity to sponsor a mock bill with fellow students from throughout the state.

Krause plans to start taking classes through Green River Community College’s Running Start program this fall.

“I am thrilled to see young people take part in the page program,” said Hargrove, R-Covington. “It’s a great way for students to learn more about the legislative process and what it means to be involved in public service.”

In addition to page school, the 15-year-old was responsible for distributing official paperwork to members in committees, offices and the floor.

Young men and women have come to Olympia to serve as pages for the Washington State Legislature since 1891. Pages must obtain permission from their parents and schools, and most live with volunteer host families.

To learn more about the House Page Program, visit